Our global consumer practice encompasses all of our work with retailers, consumer goods manufacturers or consumer-facing travel and leisure businesses.
One of Empirical Strategy's longest-standing strengths, Retail is an area where we have developed special expertise, breaking new ground as the sector has evolved. Our work with leading Retail companies has often seen us in the vanguard of sector developments, with many of our creative and innovative solutions becoming standard industry practice.
Our extensive experience at every level of the value chain in the Consumer Goods sector combines insightful analysis and creativity to address key industry questions such as strategies for growth and market entry; value enhancement in mature markets; and category management.
In consumer Travel we have worked with infrastructure owners, transport providers, tour operators as well as travel agents and search players.
In Leisure, we regularly collaborate with hotel chains, pubs, restaurants along with gaming and gambling businesses.
Consumer Products
Leisure & Consumer Travel
Our global consumer practice has an unparalleled understanding of clients in the retail, consumer goods, manufacturing and consumer facing leisure sectors.